May is National Walking Month, when an annual celebration of walking highlights the significant mental health benefits that come from small steps. No one epitomises this better than Captain Tom Moore, who walked 100 laps of his garden last month to raise over £32m for the NHS. The determination and commitment with which this war veteran took on this challenge inspired the nation.
He also showed that although confined to our homes, we can still get up on our feet and walking to help keep our strength and happiness levels up.
Why is keeping active important?
As we get older, it becomes more important than ever that we keep moving and stay active. Although important to adapt exercise to accommodate injuries or medical issues, everyone should be taking part in gentle exercise every day.
How can I stay active?
From gardening, to challenging yourself to walk up and down the stairs more, to exercises from your armchair, there are lots of ways to keep active at home.
The NHS website is a very useful resource for exercises that you can do at home – such as these sitting exercises and flexibility exercises.
The Move It or Lose It Facebook group broadcasts some great exercise videos for those looking to stay fit and healthy in later life. You can either join in with these live, or catch-up later and do the workout in your own time. They are also offering a free exercise support pack for older people, which you can download on the Move It or Lose it website.
More Information
The NHS offers some useful advice about the benefits of walking.