Homecare News | 30 October 2024

Embracing the Comforts of Home: The Advantages of Live-In Care 

The idea of live-in care is fast becoming an alternative to traditional care for the elderly in the UK. If you’re looking for a supportive and familiar environment to care for family members then live-in care could be the answer. It's a worthy consideration for families navigating the journey of care and comes with a host of benefits.

Live in care professional sat at table with client

Here we’ll explore five reasons why considering live-in care could have a really positive impact on your later years of life. 

Home: Our familiar place

Throughout our busy lives, we spend a lot of time building, growing and taking care of our homes. They provide happy times that are shared with family, they hold special memories and are a place of comfort and rest. The importance of our homes can’t be underestimated, we are surrounded by familiarity and all the emotions that are attached to that. Being able to stay at home and have a trusted care professional stay with you and look after you there will enable you to continue to enjoy the things you have worked hard to create around you. Your chosen care professional will help to run your household, provide personal care, home-cooked meals and companionship. Just a few of the positive ways that this type of care is centred around you, at home. 

Live in the local community: Friends and neighbours

At the heart of our local area are the people who we are surrounded with during our daily lives.  The longer we live in an area, the more we become entwined, getting to know other locals, making friends and living together. We become connected to our community and start to build friendships with the people around us. Being able to stay in the homes that we love, being cared for by a trusted care professional is a huge benefit and keeps us involved and bonded in the area we are familiar with. 

Personalised Care: Tailored to you

Person centred care means that care plans are developed around the individual and bespoke for each person. These plans are a way to pinpoint exactly what’s important to them, their personal expectations are and how this care will be provided. Personalised care plans are a way of gathering extremely detailed information enabling the care provider to maintain continuity of care at all times. Every care professional who visits that client will have access to the information they need about that person for example; what medication they need to take and when, what sort of food they like for lunch, how they take their tea, do they prefer shower gel or soap etc. Care plans keep routines and structure in place for clients and ensure they are kept safe and happy.

Flexibility and Independence: Promoting companionship 

Being able to age in your own home gives a huge sense of independence but it can also removes the worry and stress that comes with moving to an unfamiliar place with new surroundings. You can also continue living the life that you want with the help of your live-in care professional, they can take you to appointments, to meet friends and help you run errands. The care is tailored around you, for you and is flexible around your wants and needs. 

Reduced Stress for Families: Support for family carers

It can be a really worrying time for us when the health of a member of our family starts to deteriorate. We are often put in a stressful position of wanting to care for them ourselves but also having our own family lives to juggle, along with jobs and other responsibilities and it’s tough! Knowing that the person who you love is happy, well cared for and safe in their own home will take that burden away from you. Knowing too that you have been involved in the process of choosing that person to look after your relatives will bring a real sense of peace to you.

At GoodOaks we understand the importance of people staying at home and we tailor our services to meet the unique needs and preferences of each individual we serve. To speak to a member of our team click HERE.