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News | 10 July 2018

GoodOaks Mid Sussex rated as “Good” Across Board

Congratulations to GoodOaks Homecare – Mid Sussex for their recent Care Quality Commission report – Good across the board.

The Inspector said:

“People said that the registered manager was approachable and listened to them. Staff felt that the registered manager was open and they were able to raise any concerns and receive with a good response. The vision and values of the organisation were visible within the service and staff were proud to work at the service”

The Inspector went on to write: “The registered manager and staff demonstrated a sensitive and compassionate approach to protect people’s human rights. The registered manager provided equality and diversity training for staff as part of their induction programme.”

Quotes from clients include:

“Generally very happy with GoodOaks. They seem to be efficient but thoughtful and caring too. The Manager even popped in to say, ‘Happy Birthday’ to my relative”

“GoodOaks are the standard that all care companies should be”

“I couldn’t be happier using GoodOaks and feel safe”.

Well done Elena on a great report!

You can read the full report here: